TGfU Resource One Stop ShopDue to my recent increased engagement in social media where I get a lot of requests for resources for TGfU, I have decided to create this 'One Stop Shop'.
If you come across resources to add, please get in touch and I will make sure I add them!!! Thanks a lot. Dr. Stephen Harvey |
Various books are available on Teaching Games for Understanding and its various derivative and this website sources many of them at this TGfU Google ibrary:
OR at this website:
OR at this website:
Written Resources Online
Probably the best written online resources that exist are the following:
1. Playing for Life - Australian Sports Commission The following link has explanations of the Playing for Life project, a link that explains the Game Sense approach (an Australian derivative of TGfU) and a 'find a card feature' where you can locate game cards for various activity areas. 2. PlaySport - Ophea Canada a. TGfU 101 Blog b. Resource below includes Teaching Games for Understanding activity cards for the major game categories such as invasion, net-wall, striking-fielding and target. |
Teaching Games for Understanding - Lesson Demonstration
This is a basic overview of the Teaching Games for Understanding Lesson structure and format. Once you have this basic idea down then you can review the videos and information seen below, which begins to add more depth to this overview.
Physedagogy #physedsummit Videos
These are a set of five videos that were completed as part of the Physedsummit 4.0 and 5.0 by members of the TGfU Special Interest Group Executive
Australian Sports Commission Videos
These three videos seen above introduce Game Sense, an Australian derivative of Teaching Games for Understanding. It is an approach to teaching/coaching that focuses learning in about the game by playing the game. Skills are learned after participation in games, and when needed. The teacher/coach asks questions and negotiates task progressions alongside and with the learners.
Ophea Canada Videos on Teaching Games for Understanding
These collection of videos are informational and practical videos of the Teaching Games for Understanding Model in action in a variety of game activity settings.
New Zealand Coaching Approach Video
"The NZ CoachApproach is a philosophical approach to coaching that promotes athlete learning, and ownership of that learning through creating awareness, responsibility and self belief". This involves learning in and through games and via the teacher/coach's use of questioning.